Blogger Backgrounds


behavior like a kids


i duno how 2 describe u!!

and no any dedicated nouns can describe u

your action like a small kids

you know??

i so dissapointed to u


i think you

MUST!!! do complementary yourself

no any words can says

advice u

d o n t hi nk anymore again

me and his not any relation

just a best friend only

u can choose trust me or another

i don care!!

i lazy to explain many many

no need!!!

relax relax relax

just consumption my energy of body

i also don care anyone says me

cause i not do anything

scared!!!not lor~~


i want die now

my stomach so pain lalalalala

my god==

hv any medicine can treat

i think no lor~~haiz

better go sleep

hope 2 morrow can be well

